Famous Veterans Celebrating Birthdays Today (December 28th):
Famous Veterans Born December 28, 1922:
Stan Lee – American comic-book guru (writer, editor, film executive producer, actor, and publisher). He was formerly editor-in-chief of Marvel Comics – Lee entered the United States Army in early 1942 and served within the US as a member of the Signal Corps, repairing telegraph poles and other communications equipment. He was later transferred to the Training Film Division, where he worked writing manuals, training films, slogans, and occasionally cartooning. His military classification, he says, was “playwright”; he adds that only nine men in the US Army were given that title. Vincent Fago, editor of Timely’s “animation comics” section, which put out humor and funny animal comics, filled in until Lee returned from his World War II military service in 1945. Died: November 11, 2018.